6 Signs Your Aging Parents Need A Professional Personal Caregiver

The aging of parents and loved ones is a factual reality of life that almost every person must face, provided there is life.

With this aging often comes health complications that may go beyond the skill, capacity and management level of immediate or extended relatives. To therefore ensure that aging parents receive the appropriate quality of healthcare required to keep them alive, healthy and comfortable as they navigate their aging process and health challenges, it is important to employ the services of a skilled personal caregiver. 

The question is ‘how do you determine when it is time to hire a professional personal caregiver for your parents or aging loved one(s)?’  Well, here are 6 signs your aging parents need a Professional Personal Caregiver: 

  1. Physical Health Challenges: If they have chronic and debilitating health conditions which make it difficult and even painful for them to perform physical tasks such as bathing, eating, using the toilet and getting dressed, then it is a sign that they require a personal caregiver. This will aid them with carrying out these tasks with less difficulty and also help alleviate the stress and embarrassment they may experience as a result of not being able to personally handle their health challenges.
  2. Mental Health Challenges: If they are beginning to experience regular episodes of cognitive challenges such as forgetfulness, memory loss, speech impairment or confusion, it is a sign that they require the presence and assistance of a personal caregiver to watch over them and tend to their special needs.
  3. Family Stress and Burnout: Older people who are healthy but beginning to grow weaker in strength often need regular assistance from family members. This need for assistance intensifies even more when dealing with your older parents who are battling chronic health problems. As willing as you and other family members are to be present for your  aging parents, it can quickly become a source of intense mental, emotional and physical stress due to your preoccupation with work and other personal obligations and responsibilities. This stress can make you become impatient and resentful which will ultimately negatively impact the wellbeing of your parents. When you begin to feel too stressed and burned out from caring for your aging parents, it is a sign that the time has come for you to hire a personal caregiver whose job it will be to attentively care for your parents.
  4. Threat To Life: Due to the physical and mental health challenges of your parents, they could unknowingly and unconsciously inflict some form of harm to themselves or even others. For example, if your parents suffer from forgetfulness and happen to be at home alone, they could put a pot on the stove and forget about it which can lead to a fire outbreak and bring harm to them. If they suffer from episodes of confusion, there is also the possibility that they could wander away from the house during such an episode which can lead to you losing them or their being affected by some form of harm. If a life threatening situation has already taken place in the past, or you are already concerned that something like this could happen in your absence, it is your cue to hire a personal caregiver to cater for your aging parents.
  5. Loneliness: It is now statistically proven that loneliness amongst older people can lead to illnesses and diseases such as anxiety, depression, obesity, cognitive decline, dementia, high blood pressure, heart diseases, Alzheimer’s, and so on.  If your aging parents live all alone and often complain of loneliness, this is probably the best time to hire a personal caregiver to care for your parents as this will provide them with company, alleviate their loneliness and reduce the risk of developing or aggravating illnesses.
  6. Medication Management: Once you or your parents start finding it difficult to keep proper track of their medications, it may be time for you to get a personal caregiver who is trained to properly document their medications schedule and administer them at the right times. This will prevent situations such as underdosing or overdosing which can lead to fatality.


Our team of certified healthcare aides and registered nurses at Vitalis HealthCare can provide your aging parents with the best quality and compassionate home care services

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We provide our services in all counties in Maryland, United States of America.

Office Address: 8757 Georgia Avenue Suite 440 Silver Spring, MD 20910