Okezie Ofoegbu

Hello to you our dearest reader, 

We decided to have a chit chat with the amiable, President & Founder of Vitalis HealthCare Services, Mr. Okezie Ofoegbu (“Mr. O”), in commemoration of his birthday which was marked on the 22nd of April, and to give you an insight into the heart and mind of the founder.

We believe you will find this interview with him quite captivating, insightful and interesting. We encourage you to read through to the end.

Question 1: Thank you for having us here sir. Let’s kick off this interview by getting to know you a bit better Mr. Okezie. Can you kindly tell us about yourself and your background before starting your home health care company?
Mr O: My name is Okezie Ofoegbu – but most people simply call me “Mr. O”.  I am a serial entrepreneur and business owner. In addition to Vitalis I own a company that helps businesses raise capital for growth. I am also the chairman of our family owned stock brokerage firm. I started my career as an IT Engineer in ExxonMobil before proceeding to secure an MBA in Finance & Marketing from University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business. 

Question 2: Quite Interesting Mr O. Can you kindly share the story and inspiration behind the inception of your home health care company? What motivated you to take the leap and start this venture? Was there a particular moment or experience that sparked this interest?
Mr O: In 2013, during the last years of her life back in Africa, my mom received amazing care from two ladies who were not related to her but cared for her as if she were their own mother. Inspired by this and in honor of my mom and these amazing caregivers, I started Vitalis Healthcare Services as a home care agency that will train and raise aides who will provide reliable, compassionate and professional home care as if they were family members. 

Question 3: What an interesting and inspiring story Mr O. As the founder of the company, what values or principles do you believe have been fundamental in shaping its culture and mission?
Mr O: I was inspired  to enter the home care industry out of a desire to do things differently.  The key values that drive our culture and mission include:

  1. Happy caregivers make happy clients and happy clients make good business. From inception, we do our best to do the best for our caregivers so that when they are out on the field they are focused on being reliable & compassionate. 
  2. We put our clients and their needs first. We know we can’t be all things to all people and so we do our best to serve those clients we are well suited to serve and assist other clients whom we can’t serve to find services best suited for them.
  3. We value reliability and compassion. Clients’ lives depend on us and so we place a premium on dependability and reliability. Furthermore, because clients depend on us, we strive to serve them with compassion and dignity, making sure they know that it is because we care for their well being that we are there not simply because they need us. 

Question 4: Amazing! Reflecting on your journey as CEO, what have been some of the most rewarding moments for you personally? Are there any challenges you faced along the way that have shaped your leadership style?
Mr O: The most rewarding moments for me as CEO are those times when, because of the care we have provided, a client is able to call us to reduce the hours of care they need because their well being has gotten better as a result of the quality of care we have provided. It thrills me to see come to pass the promise we make to clients that they can expect to need less of our services because of how good our services have been. My leadership style is to lead from the front, to model what I expect from my subordinates, to show not tell. I am hands on, and lead by example. This leadership style has been shaped by leadership lessons learnt from business school and from consulting for various companies as a financial advisor. I have seen that companies that drive are led by leaders who are not ashamed or afraid to roll up their sleeves and get into the trenches to solve problems as they occur.

Question 5: Insightful. How do you envision the future of home health care, and what role do you see your company playing in shaping that future?
Mr O: Home health care has a bright future with stronger government regulations and growing number of baby boomers retiring from the workforce. These two factors will mean that home care agencies that are operationally sound and well run will have the edge in attracting good aides and in turn, attracting the clients. Vitalis intends to continue to be a major player in the industry through continuous investment in operational efficiencies, training & development of quality aides and use of technology to drive costs down while passing those cost reductions to the clients to keep the cost of home care down.

Question 6: Brilliant! Beyond business, what are some of your passions and interests that people might not know about?
Mr O: Beyond business, I am a person of faith who is active in my local church community where I serve as part of the pastoral / leadership team. I am an African immigrant who is also contributing significantly to the development of my home country. I also enjoy history and learning about places and cultures different from the ones I grew up in.

Question 7: Maintaining a work-life balance can be challenging, especially as a CEO. How do you prioritize self-care and balance your personal life with the demands of running a company in the health care sector?
Mr O: First of all, it is important that one loves and enjoys the what they do. As it’s commonly said “if you do what you love, you’d never work a day in your life”. I love and enjoy what I do and that. Having said that, I think the key to an excellent work-life balance is having a great team of people around you. No man is an island and as John Maxwell rightly points out, ‘one is not enough to build anything of significance’. This is why I believe that the success of Vitalis is not tied to me alone but to the excellent team who work with me, inclusive of our Director of Nursing, our team of Registered & Licensed Nurses, our Client Care Coordinators and of course, our amazing Caregivers who are our main assets in the agency.  

Question 8: Well said sir. Finally, as we celebrate your birthday, what are some reflections or lessons you have learned along the way that you would like to share with our audience? What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to make a difference in the home health care industry?
Mr O: A few lessons I have learned in life and business that I can share  and give as advice to budding entrepreneurs include:

  1. Always Be Communicating (ABC): Regardless of the technical skills one possesses, they must develop themselves in the ability to communicate verbally and in writing and they must become adept at truly listening not simply waiting to respond when the other party is done speaking.
  2. Always Be Getting Better (ABGB):  Because operational excellence is a the only true competitive advantage. Operational excellence is both doing things right and doing the right things. Doing things right is efficient; doing the right things is effective. You need to continue to get better at both to get ahead and stay ahead of your competitors.
  3. Always Be Learning (ABL): Intelligence is not knowing it all or having all the answers. Intelligence is the ability to always be learning and this comes from always asking the right questions. I believe that the Home Care industry is not looking for someone who has all the right answers. The Home Care industry is looking for brilliant minds who will ask the right questions that would lead to the right solutions.

Wow, this was such an insightful and inspiring conversation sir. Thank you for receiving us and making out time from your busy schedule to chat with us. We wish you a Happy Birthday and a prosperous new year ahead for you and for Vitalis!

At Vitalis Home Health Care, we pride ourselves on providing the highest quality care vital to the health and well-being of our patients. Our services range from companion care to skilled nursing, tailored to ensure the best type of care for you or your loved one. Not sure of the services you need? Book a free appointment; our Client Care Coordinator is available to chat with you and match you with the service most appropriate for you.

Phone Number: 240.716.6874

Email: info@vitalishealthcare.com

Location: We provide our services in every county in the State of Maryland, United States of America.

Office Address: 8757 Georgia Avenue Suite 440 Silver Spring, MD 20910

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