National Women’s Health Week is celebrated in the second week of May, dedicated to addressing health concerns faced by women and girls. At Vitalis Home Healthcare, we are celebrating the health and well-being of elderly women by discussing “menopause” – what it means, its symptoms, and tips for managing some of them.

According to the National Library of Medicine, “menopause is a normal condition involving the permanent end of menstrual cycles due to the cessation of the production of reproductive hormones from the ovaries for at least 12 consecutive months.” Menopause marks the end of the reproductive stage of life, usually occurring between the ages of 45 and 56, or between 40 and 45 in cases of early menopause.

Just like your menstrual cycle, menopause also has a variety of symptoms, some of which you may relate to;

  1. Irregular periods: One of the telling signs of menopause is irregular periods, especially as you’re approaching the age of menopause. During this time, estrogen, the main female hormone in the body, rises and falls, which may shorten or lengthen your menstrual cycle, leading to irregular periods.
  2. Hot flashes: About 80% of women experience hot flashes, which occur day and night at unpredictable hours. They feel like a sensation of flushing that then spreads to the upper body. This is due to the central nervous system’s change in thermoregulation (the body’s ability to regulate its temperature).
  3. Sleep: 1 in 4 women experience sleep problems as a menopausal symptom. Women report a decline in their quality of sleep during this time. Women seem to experience more detrimental effects on sleep in association with aging when compared with men because of the changes associated with menopause.

The symptoms of menopause differ from person to person and could last up to 10 years; some people experience symptoms for less than 5 years. You should always see your gynecologist whenever you have questions or concerns about your reproductive health.

Whether you’re going through menopause or not, the following tips will enable you to lead a lifestyle that’ll positively impact your overall health and well-being.

  1. Diet: “you are what you eat” has become a popular saying in our current culture. It is important for you to eat the foods that’ll help manage or reduce  the symptoms of menopause. For example, reducing your intake of spicy food inorder to reduce the intensity of hot flashes.
  2. Physical activity: physical activity helps improve your quality of sleep, it is recommended if you have insomnia. It is also helpful to indulge in exercises like yoga to reduce any stress and anxiety you might be feeling and consequently improve your sleep quality.
  3. Talk: having someone going through a similar situation you can talk to is extremely beneficial in many cases. Talking gives you an outlet to express the emotions going through your head and might also help you answer questions you have.

As we celebrate Women’s Health Week, Vitalis honors the incredible strength, resilience, and beauty within you. Your health and well-being are not just priorities, but essential foundations for a vibrant life. Take this week to prioritize self-care, listen to your body’s needs, and celebrate the unique journey of womanhood. Remember, you are deserving of love, care, and respect every day. Here’s to flourishing in health together.

With love,
Vitalis Home Healthcare.

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