Sadly, sexual harassment is a challenge that caregivers might be faced with due to the proximity that their job of providing care services often requires. Sexual harassment is not always obvious and can sometimes be covert which is why this article seeks to help caregivers with identifying and recognizing sexual harassment pointers. This will help to ensure the protection of your rights, personal space, dignity and safety as a caregiver.

A few pointers to sexual harassment include:

  1. Inappropriate Comments: When a client begins passing sexualized commentary to you such as remarks, jokes, or discussions that make you feel uncomfortable, you should consider this as sexual harassment.
  1. Stalking: If you notice that a client is stalking you and begins showing up everywhere you are outside of work, or trailing you on social media in such a way that makes you feel creeped out or unsafe, this should be considered as sexual harassment.
  1. Offensive Stares: If you notice that your client consistently stares at you in sexually offensive ways by staring at your body or certain areas of your body for long periods of time beyond what is normal, this is a type of sexual harassment.
  1. Inappropriate touching: Any physical touch or gesture that crosses professional boundaries such as inappropriate fondling, hugging or any kind of touch aimed towards physical intimacy is sexual harassment.
  1. Soliciting for Sexual Favors: If your client directly requests for sexual favors and offers benefits in return as a reward or threatens to withhold payment for services as punishment for non compliance, this is sexual harassment.

Finally, any kind of gesture in the workplace that crosses professional boundaries, invades your physical and sexual privacy, aims at forcing physical intimacy or achieving physical pleasure without your consent must be considered as sexual harassment and should not be overlooked.

If you have found yourself in this situation as a caregiver, click here to find out how to protect yourself from further sexual harassment.


At Vitalis HealthCare, we prioritize and provide a warm, conducive and safe environment for our team of professional caregivers and certified nursing assistants

We are constantly looking for professional caregivers and certified nursing assistants who view providing aid as a passion and not just a job.

If you are interested in working with us, send in your application or contact us for further enquiry using the contact details outlined below.

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We provide our services in every county in the State of Maryland, United States of America.

Office Address: 8757 Georgia Avenue Suite 440 Silver Spring, MD 20910